Dear Liz,
I have major confidence issues and have no idea how to fix it.
You always have so much confidence and honestly I wish I could have that too.
I just want to learn how to be more confident on social media, around my friends, and even my family.
What should I do?
-Shy Gal
Dear Shy Gal,
Thank you so much for sharing your question and I hope to give you some advice that could really help you. I will say that it definitely will not happen over night and it’s something you have to work at it all the time.
I know that because I consistently have to give myself pep talks to snap me out of a phase where I don’t feel confident. Trust me, it’s something I struggle with but I do little things to get past all of those insecurities in my head.
I found a quote on pinterest because doesn’t everyone go to pinterest to read quotes:
I love that quote and feel like its spot on when it comes to confidence. Everyone has the ability to be confident it’s just going to take some practice.
My Advice to you (and even that I give myself):
1.Love yourself, first. I want you to write down a list of everything you love about yourself. Whether it be on your phone, post-its, just write it down. Read that every morning, every night, when you’re feeling insecure, just all the time. Realize that you are unique and there is no one on this earth like you!
2.STOP comparing yourself to others. OK this one is obviously not as easy as it sounds but the most important. Stop comparing yourself to your friends, other people on Instagram, co workers, classmates, siblings, cousins, etc etc. I’m not going to lie and tell you that I never compare myself because the reality is I do.
But realize that everyone is on their own path and their own timing. Don’t let the pressure of their accomplishments or milestones make you feel any less because baby girl, yours will come too. Just be patient.
3.Be positive. Wow Liz so revolutionary LOL. I’m totally serious though and I’m going to leave two quotes for you so you can see what I’m talking about!
Some people think being positive is annoying but it’s all about mindset and attitude. For me, there is never a time where I see being positive as a negative and I think those people need to overcome something on their own.
4. Set small realistic goals. When you achieve small goals you gain more confidence in yourself. You have an amazing sense of pride after completing something you set yourself out to do. Now imagine just completing goal after goal, sooner or later your confidence shoots through the roof!
5.STAND TALL. Wherever you go, whatever you do, stand tall. It may seem simple but it works. When I am out shooting content and there’s tons of people around I stand tall. I ignore the people staring at me, talking about me, pointing at me, and just do me. My posture and my body language says a lot. Even if I am not feeling confident eventually I will when I dominate my stance. When you’re walking into a room and you don’t know anyone, stand tall. Walking into a family party where everyone judges, stand tall. Walking in the gym weight room filled with guys, stand tall. Stand tall love, you got this.
As usual, thank you for stopping by and I hope I gave you some useful advice Shy Gal.